This Community Card from my SoulCollage® deck honors my dear friend Anne Marie, SoulCollage® Facilitator and creator of KaleidoSoul - a virtual online university and playground for SoulCollage®. Anne Marie was trained in the art of SoulCollage® by it's creator, the luminescent Seena Frost. Also, Anne Marie originated and moderates the very lively, informative and kindred on-line KaleidoSoul Yahoo Group, which is a great place to become better acquainted with this creative, intuitive-collage process of self-discovery. Here, you can be as active as you want...or a fly on the wall, your choice. Either way it's bound to be an enriching experience...so I invite you to check it out.
Regarding my Community Cards, I am blessed that I have so many teachers in my life that show up as: family, friends, angels, teachers, pets, online friends - thank Goodness for the world wide web!...as well as challengers in my life, past and present. They all provide a rich medium from which I can learn and grow spiritually. In time I'll create more cards for my Community members and feature them...so please stay tuned, you might just look up and see yourself here!
Anne Marie's message to me...from the essence of her card says...
I am one who is an earth angel...and I graciously wear my butterfly angel wings. I give of my heart and soul in all that I do. I am one who loves rainbows and believes in the pot of gold at the end..for myself, and others. I am one who see the rainbows in many aspects of life, of people and in situations. I am one who knows rainbows come after a storm.
I am one who greatly appreciates and marvels in the diversity of humanity. I am one who sees the kaleidoscope of beauty in our souls. I am generous. I share my creative passions freely and nurture them in others. I am one who is compassionate and understanding. I am one who invites you to "retreat". My resonance with SoulCollage® makes my heart sing....it is my soul food. I am the one who has a bond with nature; I share a loving, forever-bond with my beloved cat, Scooter...still. I am the one who knows he is with me always, and that I can visit with him whenever I want. I am the one who smiles as I journey with childlike wonder...innocently and freely toward my rainbow.
I want you to accept at your own pace, my invitation...to discover more about yourself through SoulCollage®... card-making, interpretations, readings...and sharing. I want you to rejoice in the resources that are offered...for your soul's growth. I want you to share your journey with us.
I give you my heart's resources...another way of discovering your precious inner-beauty...through my giving, my sharing. I give you hope, inspiration and encouragement. I give you the benefit of the stories of my experiences. I give you a place to share your SoulCollage® journey with others, and myself, worldwide. I give you reminders of the loving, powerful gift of Seena's SoulCollage® process. You will remember when you see or think of rainbows, kaleidoscopes, SoulCollage®, retreats...and nature. -- I give you abundant blessings along your journey.
Really beautiful and a wonderful, fitting birthday tribute.
Cheryl, that is a beautiful tribute to Anne Marie. You've expressed what so many of us feel about her. Thank you.
G'day Cheryl
Thank you so much for sharing this card ... what a wonderful tribute to AnneMarie on her birthday ... I hope she is flying with delight. OOroo .... Bethel
I found your blog whilst blog hopping and I am in awe of your work and your words. I will be back to visit - it is beautiful
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